Need help? Contact Us!
(800) 256-1073
We work closely with on-premise, industrial and commercial laundries to properly size, select and install ironing systems based on your laundry’s productivity
requirements, workflow configuration, layout and space availability.
At OnePress, we understand how to curb utility consumption and labor hours, while significantly
improving ironing productivity and quality. Contact your OnePress distributor today for your on-site operational analysis!
OnePress customers can tap into CCS advertising, marketing and public relations services. CCS delivers cost-effective and targeted marketing
services designed to boost company awareness, sales and credibility. CCS offers an array of services, including the development of websites, logos, direct mail, brochures, ads,
and more. Contact CCS today at 800-256-1073.
Financing flexibility is key when investing in laundry and ironing equipment. Different projects require varying degrees of financial backing.
CustomSelect™ financing programs offer flexible options targeted to your company’s financial requirements. Our competitive fixed rates and choice of financing program
options make CustomSelect™ the right decision for many on-premise, commercial and industrial laundries across
the U.S. and Canada.
You feel secure knowing all OnePress Ironing Systems are backed by an industry-leading 7/5/3-year limited ONEPRESSCARE™ Warranty.